BristolGP course to host mass participation event
On the 8 July Bristol Grand Prix race fans won’t just be able to watch some of the UK and Europe’s best cyclists, they will be able to join in as the 6km, traffic-free course will become the venue for the HSBC Let’s Ride mass participation event.
The HSBC UK Let’s Ride, formerly known as Sky Ride, will be open to anyone, with multi entry points along the new 6km city-centre route, with adapted bikes available to book for disabled people and many community organisations represented during the day.
Riders will be able to enjoy an incredible route around the city between 13:30 — 16:00. Last year more than 5,500 people took the opportunity to get pedalling, with more expected to enjoy the unique opportunity on offer this year.
Launching the event Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees said:
“Bristol has already made a name for itself as a cycling city and the collaboration of these two popular events, HSBC UK Let’s Ride and the Bristol Grand Prix, will provide a celebration of cycling across the whole day where people of all abilities and backgrounds can get involved.
“It will provide an exciting and unique opportunity for people of all abilities to not only watch professional cyclists compete, but to try out the route and enjoy our vibrant city centre by bike completely free from traffic.
The whole day celebration of cycling will mark the start of a three-year partnership between Bristol City Council, British Cycling and the Bristol Grand Prix as part of a continuing long-term project to increase active transport, healthy lifestyles and community participation in sport in the city.
Full road closures will be in place across the city centre during the event. Diversions will be in place and details for this will be released in due course. For more details, and to register for HSBC UK Let’s Ride Bristol, visit www.letsride.co.uk.